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You can make an impact in the fight for reproductive freedom.

Planned Giving: Leave Your Legacy

Leave behind a legacy that fights for reproductive freedom for future generations.

Securing Reproductive Freedom for the Future

Planned gifts are easy to make and represent a present-day commitment to the long-term future of Catholics for Choice. You can make a lasting impact on CFC’s ability to secure sexual and reproductive health and rights while also achieving tax relief and preserving your assets for the next generation. The option that is best for you will depend on your circumstances. We encourage you to speak with your attorney or financial planner to determine what makes the most sense for you and your family.

Planned Giving Opportunities

Include Catholics for Choice in your will

Charitable bequests are simple and flexible and can offer benefits of tax relief. You don’t have to rewrite your will; you can easily add CFC to your existing will through an appendix or codicil. The language in your will might read:

I give to Catholics for Choice, a nonprofit organization located in Washington, DC, [insert a description of your bequest—including a specific dollar amount, percentage of the estate or exact asset to be devised—and indicate whether the bequest is for unrestricted or specific purposes].

Designate Catholics for Choice as a beneficiary in your retirement plan

Retirement plans are the highest-taxed asset in your estate and therefore only a small fraction of the total value of your plan may pass to your heirs. Naming Catholics for Choice as a beneficiary will pass your assets tax-free to CFC, allowing you to fulfill your charitable objectives and preserve more of your estate’s value for your heirs.

Give the gift of a fully paid life insurance policy

Your heirs may no longer need the benefits of your life insurance plan, and you can achieve a significant tax deduction by designating Catholics for Choice as both the owner and beneficiary of your policy.

Set up a charitable gift annuity

A charitable gift annuity (CGA) will pay you and/or a loved one a fixed annuity for life, with the remaining principal passing to Catholics for Choice after your lifetime. Additionally, you may receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of the gift. A CGA offers a guaranteed rate of return based on the size of the gift and on the age(s) of up to two beneficiaries when the gift is made.

Create a charitable trust

Gifts of stock, bonds, mortgage-free real estate and cash can be used to create a charitable trust. By establishing a charitable trust, you may bypass current and future capital gains taxes, receive a charitable income tax deduction and decrease or eliminate future estate and/or gift taxes.

There are two main types of charitable trusts:

  1. Charitable Remainder Trust – This type of trust pays you or your designated beneficiaries an income for life or for a specified period of time, with the remainder going to support Catholics for Choice.
  2. Charitable Lead Trust – The income from this trust supports Catholics for Choice, with the remainder going to your heirs.

By establishing a charitable trust, you may bypass current and future capital gains taxes, receive a charitable income tax deduction and decrease or eliminate future estate and/or gift taxes.

However you decide to plan your gift of a lasting legacy, please let us know. We are deeply grateful for your support. You can call us at (202) 986-6093 or email