Catholics Reject Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett
Citing her poor record on respect for religious freedom, Catholics for Choice urges the Senate to reject nomination and protect the right of conscience for all.
WASHINGTON – Catholics for Choice calls on the U.S. Senate to safeguard the fundamental freedoms of all Americans, by ensuring that any nominee to the Supreme Court is willing to apply the law impartially and equitably, and rejects discrimination based on religion. Based on her public statements and judicial record, the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett does not meet this critically important standard.
Catholics for Choice’s Acting President Sara Hutchinson Ratcliffe gave the following statement:
“As Catholics who support the rights of all people to make decisions in accordance with their conscience, we are deeply troubled by Amy Coney Barrett’s rulings as a 7th Circuit judge, as well as her public statements and writings, all of which cast doubt on her willingness to apply the law in an impartial manner. We believe that religious freedom is a floor putting Americans of all faiths – and none – on equal footing, not a ceiling to limit the beliefs of some. Religious freedom is about respecting the right of each individual to follow their own conscience.
“Our Catholic faith informs our conscience which guides us in moral decision-making. As Catholics, we are called to follow our conscience, but our religious beliefs are not a substitute for impartial jurisprudence, especially not in a society where all are protected by the First Amendment. We firmly reject any suggestion that to question Amy Coney Barrett on how her faith impacts her view of the law is somehow anti-Catholic or anti-Christian. A judge cannot and should not substitute his or her own religious beliefs for the law. Based on her statements and record, it appears Amy Coney Barrett has indicated her intent to do just that.
“We are alarmed by her apparent understanding of religious liberty, which, as Catholics, we believe is protection of individual conscience which should extend to everyone. Catholics for Choice shared our concerns when Amy Coney Barrett was nominated to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, and her record since then has not lessened our concerns. We urge the Senate to protect the religious freedoms and civil rights of all Americans by rejecting the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.”
Catholics for Choice shapes and advances sexual and reproductive ethics that are based on justice, reflect a commitment to a person’s well-being and respect and affirm the capacity of all people to make moral decisions about their lives.